Tips and Health : 10 Benefits of Milk Good For Your Health

Friday, February 24, 2012

Milk is the beginning of the ride of your life. Why is that? Because drinking milk is the first thing you do when born. To this day, you were still encouraged to drink milk every day.
Do you often ignore the advice to drink milk every day? The most common reason is you are afraid of becoming fat.
In fact, studies prove otherwise! Drinking milk actually helps your body get slim and ideal. In addition, there are many other important reasons that make you need to drink milk every day. Consider the great benefits

Consider the great benefits provided milk for your body follows.

1. Prevent Osteoporosis
High calcium content in milk can help you prevent and treat osteoporosis

2. Prevent Tooth Damage
Drinking milk will reduce the risk of tooth decay, such as cavities. Milk is rich in calcium and vitamin D are essential for healthy growth and strong teeth.

3. Not All Milk Makes You Fat
Do not assume that by drinking milk your body fat fast. There are different kinds of milk on the market. Examine reading nutrition labels are printed on the box you want to buy milk. For those of you who are afraid of fat, but still want to get the vitamins and minerals of milk, you can choose milk with sugar and fat content low.

4. Prevent Colon Cancer
Calcium in milk has been shown to inhibit the development of adenoma or a malignant tumor that usually kind of hit the large intestine (colon) which can prevent the occurrence of colon cancer.

5. Accelerate Growth
Milk is full of essential nutrients that will support the growth of bones, teeth, nails and good hair. If you have a habit of drinking milk from an early age, it will really help you grow tall and strong.

6. Maintaining Digestive Health
Milk can be used as a beverage opener with all the good nutrition in it. For those of you who often eat late, you can start with a glass of warm milk for your digestive health is maintained.

7. You Sleep Difficult? Drink Milk!
Drink a glass of warm milk before bed at night it can soothe your nervous system back. In addition to drinking milk, which was originally muscles would tense back relax, inducing sleep, and you will fall asleep.

8. Replace Lost Fluids
Keep your body hydrated by drinking several glasses of milk every day. As well as the benefits of water on your body, milk also serves replace body fluids lost as well as supplying vitamins and minerals in your body when you do a high activity.

9. Reduce the effects of PMS (Pre Menstrual Syndrome)
For those women who often complain when the menstrual cycle is coming, get used to the consumption of high calcium foods, like milk. Because calcium plays an important role in mitigating the effects of excessive PMS.

Based on the research Dr. Jacobs, an expert in endocrine glands of St. Luke's-Rosevelt Hospital Center, giving the amount of 1000-1200 mg calcium to 500 women at random, can reduce the effects of PMS up to 48%. This shows that taking a calcium source, such as milk, are useful to relieve symptoms of PMS.

10. Complete Nutritional Composition
Milk is one of the many drinks with the most complete source of nutrition is good for you. Milk contains lots of vitamin B12 (a role for the formation of red blood cells), calcium (for strong bones), carbohydrates (for energy-optimal), magnesium (muscle building), phosphorus (store and release energy), potassium (good for the nervous system) , protein (for growth and healing process), riboflavin (for healthy skin) and zinc / zinc (to boost the immune system).

Benefits over only part of a series of other important benefits of consuming milk. What are you waiting for? Have some milk right now!



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