Efficacy 'Chocolate, Delicious and Rich Benefits'

Friday, November 20, 2009

Every hear the word chocolate, candy form of direct vision of the same name. Almost everyone, young and old, loved it, because it tastes sweet. But actually the word chocolate comes from the Aztec, xocoatl, which means a bitter drink. Because the original flavor is bitter cocoa content alkaloidnya result. Once through the engineering process, then chocolate is produced as a preferred food anyone. Chocolate [Theobroma cacao Linn.], Is
of the Sterculiaceae family, is a plant originally found in Mexico in the 16th century. The Aztecs and Maya believed that chocolate was sent by the god of Agriculture from heaven to them. The Spaniards then took him to their country between the years 1502-1528. By them, the bitter drink that is mixed sugar tastes better. Brown and then spread to France, the Netherlands, and England in the years 1502-1528. Only in 1765 founded the first chocolate factory in Massachusetts, United States. Brown plants are tall plants with approximately 6 - 9m, whose fruits can be harvested when it was 120-150 days after flower bloom. Chocolate plants have three distinct types, namely types Crollo from Central and South America, species of Bahay Forastero [Brazil], Amelonado [South Africa], and type of Trinitario then spread to Ghana, Indonesia, Nigeria, Brazil, and Cameroon.
Chocolate is not only good consumed, but it also has many benefits, among others: the ability to inhibit oxidation of LDL [bad cholesterol] and increase immune function, thus preventing the risk of coronary heart disease and cancer. Chocolate also contains theobromine and caffeine. Both these substances have been known to give the effect of waking, eating chocolate so potent enough to make sleep lost. Chocolate is eaten in the normal amount regularly can lower blood pressure. Besides antioksida effects, chocolate is also useful in stimulating the body's immune system by producing more cytokines [proteins produced as part of the body's immune system]. But still eating chocolate should not be excessive because it can harm the health, especially in people with diabetes and glaucoma. From the seeds, Theobroma cacao merit as a headache medicine, hemorrhoid medicine, low blood pressure drug, de-worming, and stimulating the nervous, because this fruit contains seeds alkaloida, saponin, flavonoida, and tannins. «[Esthi]


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