Sunday, November 22, 2009

Toxins first: Dodge
Symptoms, escape from reality, ignoring responsibilities, but by escaping from the reality we are only going to get a false happiness that lasted a moment.
Antibodies: Reality
How to: Stop deceiving yourself. Do not be too serious in dealing with problems due to mental hospital filled with patients who have always followed the sadness and feels the environment becomes a source of frustration. So, solve any problems encountered and thoroughly believe in the best of everything always have strived so hard.

The second poison: Fear
Symptoms, not sure myself, tense, worried that such could be due to financial difficulties, marital conflict, sexual problems, etc. ...
Antibodies: Courage
How to: Avoid a figure that depends on anxiety. Remember 99 percent of the things we worry about never happen. Courage is the most powerful defense. Use of intellectual analysis and find the solution to the problem through the right mental attitude. Courage is a re-education process. So, do not hesitate to seek help from experts, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist.

The third poison: selfishly
Bitchy, materialistic, aggressive, prefer to ask than to give.
Antibodies: Be social
How to: Do not exploit the friend. Happiness would be obtained if we can help others. Keep in mind, people who do not expect anything from other people is someone who never felt disappointed.

Poisons fourth: Stagnation
The symptoms stopped one phase, making us feel tired, bored, and unhappy.
Antibodies: Ambition
How to: Continue to develop, meaning that we keep ambitions in our future. We do find happiness in the passion of our ambition as such.

Poisons five: low self-Pain
Symptoms: Loss of self confidence and self-confidence and feel they have no ability to compete.
Antibodies: Confidence
Ways: One can not win if before war, convinced he would lose. If we believe in our abilities, we actually already received half of the targets we want to achieve .. Thus, success begins when we believe that we can achieve it.

Poisons six: narcissistic
Symptoms: superiority complex, too arrogant, false pride.
Antibodies: Humility
Way: People who are proud will easily lose a friend, because without the presence of friends, we will not be happy. Avoid knowingly. With humility, we will naturally want to hear other people so that 50 per cent chance of success we achieve.

Poisons seventh: self-pity
Symptoms: The habit of attention, the dominant mood, moody, plunged himself, felt the unfortunate people in the world.
Antibodies: Sublimation
How to: Do not make yourself a neurotic, fixated on yourself. Forget the issues for themselves and avoid sentimental and obsessive behavior toward dependence on others ..

Poisons eighth: lazy attitude
Symptoms: Apathy, saturated continued, dreamily, and spending time with non-productive way, to feel lonely.
Antibodies: Work
How to: Make ourselves to always follow the work schedule that we planned before the current way works. Avoid the tendency to make our existence becomes meaningless and complain incessantly.

Poisons ninth: intolerant attitude
Symptoms: Thoughts petty, petty racial hatred, arrogance, antagonism toward a particular religion, religious prejudices.
Antibodies: Control yourself
How to: Pull our emotions through the art of self control. Observe them intellectually. Increase our tolerance levels. Remember that the world was created and was created from the diversity of cultures and religions.

Poisons tenth: Hatred
Symptoms: The desire of revenge, cruel, ruthless.
Antibodies: Love love
How To: Remove the hate. Learn to forgive and forget .. Hatred is one of the negative emotions that is the basis of a sense of unhappiness. People who have hatred usually also hated himself for hating others. The only thing that can eliminate hatred is love. Love is the ultimate force that can be owned by each person.

When we are experiencing a sense of depression and unhappiness, use the above as a means of first aid in emergency mental conditions for continued terhindardari unhappiness in the future!
Source: kuljar


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