Giant snake found, cow ate

Sunday, November 22, 2009

In the movie Anaconda, Jenifer Lopes screamed hysterically and ran there to avoid a snake around a giant predator. Snake in the movie length 12.1 meters. The imagination of Hollywood filmmakers, was still less than the length of the snake fossil findings of scientists recently.

Fossils from northeastern Colombia is a sign that while still alive, the worms that is the biggest snake in the world. Backbone of this fossil, estimated to weigh 1.35 tons, or between 730 kg up to 2.03 tons. The length from nose to tip of tail reaches 13 meters, or at least 10.64 meters to 15 meters.
"This thing (fossil snake) weigh more heavily than a bison, and longer than a city bus," said Jack Conrad snake expert from the American Museum of Natural History in New York.

While Jason Head fossil expert from the University of Toronto Missisauga said, "The snake can swallow a cow with ease. A human being can also ditelan.Kalau snake immediately went into my room to eat me, then he'd have trouble through the door. "

Actually, the monster reptiles of the past was probably eating and chewing crocodiles in tropical rain forests on which they lived about 58 million to 60 million years ago. The inventors named the fossil fossil snake "Titanoboa cerrejonensis" (read: "ty-TAN-o-BO Sare-ah-ah-Hone-en-SISS"). It means, "boa very strong from Cerrejón. (Cerrejón is the name of the area where the fossil was found).

Titanoboa first time revealed in early 2007 at the Florida Museum of Natural History at the University of Florida in Gainesville. The scientists then did a series of research before you release it in the journal Nature on Thursday. But scientists are still going back to Colombia to discover some of the fossils that have not been found.

Titanoboa body size gives great clues about habitat. With that big body showed that Titanoboa live in a warm ambient temperature. Apparently the temperature at the equator (South America, Indonesia) increased along with global temperatures. This contrasts with the hypothesis that the temperature will not rise.

"This is a leap when applied to past conditions with climate change, said Head. According to Head, the findings illustrate that the area will be warmer equator along with age of the planet. "But there will be no giant snakes because we have destroyed their habitat by development and deforestation in equatorial region," said Head.

Interest Boidae

Fossils found in this snake can be sure of the Boidae tribe or the kinds of big snakes like Anaconda, Boa, da Piton. This includes primitive types and have a saki-saki (internal organs are not working anymore), a screen behind the hips and legs. Although not included in the type of poisonous, but the way these snakes prey on their victims quite sadistic. Ie by twisting and swallowing.

From the research of these experts, this snake is a combination of types of Boa and Anaconda. Titanoboa body like a body like the modern boa, but behave like anaconda and spent time in the water. If you're on land, will move Titanoboa reptile.

These snakes have similarities to the Green Anaconda is still included Boa family. This South American snakes, including the largest snake in the world. His cousin, Python, has a very long body but the body size, green anaconda, appears 2 times greater.

Currently, the Green Anaconda can grow more than 29 feet or 8.8 meters and weigh over 550 pounds or 227 kg and a diameter of approximately 12 inches or 30 cm. Among relatives anaconda, green anaconda is the largest. Female body size is larger than the males. Anaconda lives in the swamp, the water current is weak.

His body is designed for easy walking on water than on land. Eye and nasal cavity is located on the head so that it easier for diving and underwater activities. During mating, there penjantan to kompetesi fight between the female and this is the case for 4 weeks.)

Anakonda in Latin called Eunectes murinus one of the classic phylum Chordata, the class of animals that have the notokorda or chorde nerve cord behind the body axis with the framework. Chordata sizes have a large variety and there are small with a protected skull brain to think. Anakonda included in Class Reptiles, Order Squamata, family Boidae, a type of water boa.

Anakonda live in South America, east of the Andes, mainly in the Amazon River, Orinoco and the Guianas. Their habitat in the marsh and scrub. They never found far from water. Rawa is a favorite spot. When they came out of the water, the body Anakonda be abused by the fleas or fungus.

A Anakonda start reproduction at a young age with the pregnancy for 6 months. A female can give birth 20 to 40 tail and sometimes more than 100 tails. Anakonda the newborn usually has a length of 60 cm. A few hours after they were born already able to swim, hunt and take care of himself. After going through the process of marriage, Anakonda long but will grow slowly.

In the scriptures, the snake most people regarded as enemies. In the Bible (Old Testament) tells that the devil incarnate in the form of snakes, and persuaded Eve and Adam, so deceived, and must get out of the Garden of Eden. In the epic Mahabharata, a small Krishna, Vishnu incarnate defeating five-headed serpent of evil. In one Hadith the Messenger of Allah. There was the suggestion to kill the 'black snakes into / in the house'.

These assumptions, however, influential and helped make most people feel resentful, if not fear, the snake. Although the real fear is less reasonable, or more likely caused by a lack of general knowledge of the properties and the possible dangers posed by snakes. In fact, cases of snake bite-let alone to cause death is very much less when compared with the case of an accident on the highway, or cases of death (by illness) due to mosquito bites.

On the other hand, the snake also has hundreds or thousands of years of being exploited and utilized by humans. Snakes are highly venomous cobras and pythons are often used in pembelit shows courage. Bile, blood and flesh of several kinds of snakes are considered as highly efficacious drugs, especially in China and other eastern regions. Meanwhile, several kinds of snake skin has a high value as a jewelry, shoes and bags. Like the lizard, snake skin (especially pythons, snakes sacks, and the snake Anakonda) traded around the world to reach hundreds of thousands to millions of pieces of raw skins per year.

In fact, the snake just now getting extinct due to various arrests, unjustified killing, and destruction of habitat and the environment. The snakes that used to take part role in controlling rat populations in rice fields and gardens, is now generally been flat or shrinking in number.

Humans really do not have to be afraid of snakes because the snake itself is actually afraid of humans. Snakes can not chase humans, the slow movement was no match for humans. The average snake moving about 1.6 km per hour, was the fastest species of snakes in Africa mambaa can run with a speed of 11 km per hour. While humans, by comparison, can run between 16-24 miles per hour ..



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