Prime Minister of Malaysia come from Gowa in South Sulawesi Indonesia

Monday, November 23, 2009

Najib Tun Razak said, I come not to seize power. I came as a successful Bugis overseas and is now the Prime Minister of Malaysia, in the presence of people Gowa, South Sulawesi, the land of their ancestors.

Not long after was appointed Prime Minister of Malaysia to attend the sixth and the World Ocean Confenrene (WOC) in Manado, PM Najib Tun Razak visited the Gowa to visit the tombs of kings of Gowa. Najib himself is a descendant of the Sultan of Gowa-19 or the grandson of Sultan Hasanuddin.

Gowa ancestors left to wander into Pahang, one of the states in Malaysia, in order to avoid power struggles conflict. Perantauannya to Peninsular Malaysia was successful ending, after his father became Prime Minister of Malaysia second, while he himself became Prime Minister of Malaysia sixth.

Nearly 80 percent of the descendants of Malays in Malaysia are the descendants of Indonesia. There are descendants of Aceh, Padang, North Sumatra, Jambi, Palembang, Java, Madura, Bawean, and Bugis.

Lots of successful offspring Indonesia live in Malaysia. Among the current cabinet, Malaysian Defense Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, berkakek of Yogyakarta. Javanese language was still porous.

Likewise with Rais Yatim, Minister of Information and Culture of Malaysia, who spent his childhood in Sawahlunto, West Sumatra.

Indonesia's success overseas in Malaysia not only to the ministerial level .. Some of the sultan in several states are also descendants of Indonesia, for example, the Sultan of Selangor and Johor Bahru are the descendants of Bugis.

Not only in government circles and the sultan, the descendants of Indonesia in Malaysia successfully nurture life in Malaysia.

Malaysia's legendary film star, P. Ramlee for example, is the son of a successful Acehnese in Malaysia. Top male singers today, Mawi, also still descendants of the Javanese.

That's a few examples of successful Indonesian people wander in Malaysia. Indonesian citizens who migrate to Malaysia a success, there is in all lines and joints of life.

State Success
Malaysia today to commemorate the independence day-52. State kin and allied with Indonesia has become a successful country nan developed in the ASEAN region after Singapore.

Many icons of Malaysia who became the pride of the world and become terkemukan tourist destination, for example, Petronas Twin Towers building, which became one of the tallest skyscraper in the world.

Menara Kuala Lumpur is also one of the highest tower in the world, equipped with a rotating restaurant and pretty luxurious.

Malaysian state-owned company and also have great pace in international business. State-owned Petronas Oil and gas, airlines MAS (Malaysian Airlines), telecommunications company Maxis, Maybank and CIMB bank are some of the Malaysian business corporation which has become a "world class" (world class).

Malaysia also has a good economic infrastructure. Smooth highway starting from Johor Bahru (South) up to Perlis (north), from Kuala Terengganu (East) to Kuala Lumpur (West).

Not only that, they also have a vast telecommunications network, but cheap. Capacity of the electricity network was so large that support the city of Kuala Lumpur to light all night, all day, supplying electricity to the two networks LRT (light rapid train) and a monorail.

Electric power for the people of Malaysia do not know the classification of 450 watts, 900 watts or 1200 watts. Anyway, there is no limit. That is enough to show the available power capacity is still very large.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has praised Malaysia's economic infrastructure. "We see the roads so smooth from the airport to the hotel," said Yudhoyono told reporters, when a visit to this neighbor country.

Because supported by good economic infrastructure, the Malaysian tourism sector come taste impact. The visit of foreign tourists to the country known as "Nasi lemak and tea pull" it up more to reach 20 million foreign tourists per year.

Malaysia trusted and chosen as a place to take the race F1 (Formula One). Prestigious automobile race in the world. Kuala Lumpur is also a selection of multinational companies as headquarters for the ASEAN region.

"Not only that, some countries are not able to have embassies in all countries select the city of Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta Indonesia concurrently, and not vice versa," said Mr RI Da `i Bahctiar.

Role Indonesia
Malaysia as a successful country in ASEAN and Asia, is not apart from the role of Indonesia as well as neighboring countries and allied Malays.

Malaysia's success was also built by people overseas from Indonesia who helped turn the country who rely on the rubber into the developed countries to prop a brilliant service sectors, like tourism, banking and education.

Malaysia has targeted the year 2020 as the country with economic infrastructure services classmates developed countries like Europe and America.

Role of citizens in Indonesia is very large economic and social development of Malaysia since the beginning of economic and social development today.

President Soeharto peranh send thousands of teachers, doctors and nurses to Malaysia in the early 1970s. Many lecturers also teach in Malaysia, Indonesia. In the 1970s, skilled educators and many were sent to Malaysia ..

But the mid-1980s, the situation turned around, it was a rough labor and that more and more sent to Malaysia.

Construction workers for example Petronas twin towers, the majority of the TKI (Tenaga Kerja Indonesia). Similarly, the development of Putrajaya government area and KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport) is famous stately.

Most of the oil palm plantation workers in Malaysia also are workers. They were what led Malaysia to join the largest producer of palm oil is second only to Indonesia.

But not the least is also the role of the highly skilled expatriates in Indonesia promoting Malaysia's state-owned companies and so many of them turn into world-class companies. "If there are 10 policy makers in Petronas, six of the 10 people that are citizens of Indonesia," said Da `i.

So, as one of the most successful ASEAN countries, Malaysia's success can not be separated from the role of Indonesian citizens. Malaysia's success is also a successful symbol of the nomads living in Indonesia this neighbor country.


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