History of Money-Paper

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Ancient times, when gold and silver into a medium of exchange-traded goods and gauge the value of goods and services, many Jews who become sellers of gold storage services are better known by the term Goldsmith (gold is gold, and the smith is a Semitic or Jewish). This is because in most European Jews were prohibited from owning land which they could not become farmers and make the profession as a Goldsmith as an alternative to the prospective job. Although seen as less respectable jobs, rich people who have a lot more like storing gold in Goldsmith gold because it gives security guarantees. They just enough to reward a certain amount of gold for storage services provided Goldsmith. For each gold saved, Goldsmith took out a piece of paper (certificate) contains information about the ownership of a certain amount of gold in Goldsmith. Every time when the gold owners like to take a mistress, he lived to show the certificate.
Over time, increasing levels of public confidence in the Goldsmith and also due to the illiquid nature of the certificate (easily exchanged for gold at any time), people began to accept the certificate as a means of exchange of goods and services. At this time the certificate is a paper currency and the money
The first paper in the world. Over time, more gold is stored in brankasnya, Goldsmith saw that most of the gold is just sitting in the vaults for a long time, because of liquidity needs are fulfilled with paper money. He started thinking: what if some of the gold than it lent to people in need (the debtor) to be returned after a certain period in exchange rates? Goldsmith later became a loan shark to lend me some gold to the debtor's customers in need. After the specified time the debtor borrowed gold and Goldsmith returned to profit in the form of flowers. The more frequent and more and more Goldsmith lending, the greater the benefits he gets. Next Goldsmith got another idea. Why should provide a loan of gold? Is not that the issuance of paper money has been accepted as a medium of exchange and the sale and purchase? So then to
every loan that he gave, he just took out enough paper money. And after a certain period, the debtor's debts in the form of gold returns to the Goldsmith plus interest. At this time Goldsmith saw a real miracle. Only with a sheet of paper, he got a lump of gold. As Goldsmith had actually fraud. People think gold is completely guaranteed Goldsmith's own, when in fact it's the customer who left the gold. In addition he was also doing fraud blackmail by charging interest on loans he gave. Learning from success to deceive customers (who do not know who deposited gold used as security for loans) and the debtor at the same time, then Goldsmith got the idea again. What if made a few bills for some of the debtor as well? So the paper made some money as well as for some debtors. And after a certain period of the debtor to return the gold hutangnyaberupa plus interest. Wonders of the more amazing. With the capital a few sheets of paper, he received a large amount of gold. So he took out paper money as much as possible to get
benefit as much as possible. Its advantages .. ... only limited by the ability to print paper money. No business in the history of mankind is more profitable than businesses that lived Goldsmith.
Over time more and more people become debtors. They are willing to queue to sit on the bench to get a loan from Goldsmith .. Bench (banque) seat of the debtor's potential then becomes the beginning of the term bank. In a time not too long, the Goldsmith became the richest people in the world.
The nobles and the king's greedy need of funds to finance the army, and spending the profits. They also can not avoid to fall prey to the Goldsmith who later changed the term to be the banker (the owner of the bench). Once borrowed, worth millions of times a loan received by individuals, and so did the profits obtained banker. The bankers were greedy nature denggan pleased the kings and nobles who likes to fight for power. The more greedy they are, the more the war she lived and that means more loans could be the banker. In many cases, when the peace occurs, bankers became the political provocateur to trigger a war. They financed Oliver Cromwell to revolt against King Charles in England. They finance the Orange William King of England took the throne of Charles II. They engineer the French Revolution, Napoleon's adventures finance, provoke and finance the parties involved in the Civil War
America, designed the Crimean War, World War I, World War II, the Cold War, Vietnam, Gulf, and the wars of others. After the war, the leaders and people as well as the countries involved in the war became the bankers cash cow for the debts of their responsibilities.
Furthermore, after obtaining the material benefits matchless, bankers also have a huge political advantage. They can easily lift one becomes the ruler as easy as they dropped from kukuasaan. And the greater their political power, the greater the economic benefit them. Politics and money, the two sides of same coin, it has been owned by the banker. In the early 20th century after the discovery of petroleum, the bankers saw another big business opportunity. If human life can be made dependent on oil, so their profits will be even greater, though compared to the benefits provided by the financial business is still losing a lot. So they pay Henry Ford (an expert on the internal combustion engine fuel oil) to produce oil-fueled cars in bulk so that its production cost is smaller and can be sold at relatively cheap prices. On the other hand they persuade Thomas Alva Edison to stop his ambition to produce energy car batteries (as it would threaten their new businesses) to offer to be the boss of General Electric company. As for oil production business, they rely on Rockefeller. Companies of mass transportation companies with an electric energy transportation modes such as trams they buy for their mode replace it into the bus-oil-fueled buses. If there are companies that fight, they deployed mafia, lawyers or government officials who are bribed. Do not forget the murder kharakter through the mass media will be experienced by the opponents of the banker. When Stanley Meyer, an American scientist discovered a means of altering water hydrogen fuel is cheap and portable, he was arrested, tried and finally killed. Similar to what has been done to Ezra Pound, great literary opponent of the capitalist domination of the international bankers. After the judge has no reason for thinking Ezra, Ezra thrown into a psychiatric clinic (big letters, which some students won Nobel Prize for Literature is considered crazy?) Until his death in custody. The same thing happened to Joko, the inventor of blue energy from Indonesia. Considered dangerous to the interests of the capitalist rulers oil business, he was kidnapped, murdered kharakternya through mass media and now must face trial.
And this is a little picture of the business benefits of capitalist bankers in the oil industry. Current world oil consumption of about 100 million barrels a day. Oil production costs an average of say $ 20-per-barrel, although smaller. If the world oil price, say $ 50 a barrel, the oil producers gain $ 30-per-barrel. Means that benefits of global oil production per day is $ 30 x 100 million = $ 3 billion or more by Rp30 trillion dollar exchange rate now. Within a year the benefits are Rp30 trillion x 365 = 000 .. Rp11 trillion. Say 50% of the total profit that fell into the hands of the company, the world's oil company owned by the bankers, the bankers profits from oil production is Rp5.500 trillion a year. Applicable banking system today is the same system with the banking system Goldsmith, with the quality and quantity are much larger. For example banks now do not even need to issue paper money or certificate to make loans. Suffice it to an alias entry in the computer with the thin air of credit is given. And then, the debtor must pay with blood and sweat of the funds provided banker.Jika failed to pay, his property confiscated by the bankers as experienced by millions of debtors sub-prime mortgage in America lately. The international bankers today are descendants of the ancient Goldsmith. Most banks in the world, including Indonesia, are owned by international bankers. At one point the banker was tired of the piles of paper money that had accumulated in their warehouses after the world gold supply is sucked dry to save some of their safe little communities used as an ornament. They want payment riel: property, land, gold, company assets and so on. So they stopped the supply of paper money and interest that have been circulating. Term policy of tight money. The world is experiencing a financial crisis that spread to all sectors of the economy. Companies went bankrupt, the debtor, the debtor can not pay its debts, shares of the company, the company collapsed. When this is the bankers that his plan: buy up the company, the bankrupt company, the company shares the crash, and confiscate property that the debtor failed to pay. So in a short time there transfer massive wealth from society to cash bankers. And after the destruction that they, by hiding behind a cloak of the IMF and World Bank, came to offer "assistance" is actually a dual interest credit is throttled and only made people increasingly fall into the clutches of their power. This is what happens in the phenomenon of the Great Depression of the 1930s, the Monetary Crisis in 1997 and the Global Financial Crisis at the moment. But only a few people who noticed.


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