Sunday, January 4, 2009

spirit never die out! that is the motto sincere man. but everything changed when you are convicted of prostate cancer! The spirit, which was like a fire ablaze, now only memories, it is the world vary widely, in Indonesian, prostate cancer, including malignant disease in the top ten on the men.
Food very influential
prostate cancer is the disease of cancer developing in prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. This disease occurs when cells prostate the irregularities and began developing outside. as well as other cancer diseases, can cause the cells of prostate to other body parts, especially the bones and limfa. Some of the symptoms are caused pain, difficulty small move, to disfunctions erektil. Surely this is the last thing we most fear Him.
Besides ages and genetic factors, some research shows that food is one of the main factors cause cancer incidence prostate. Men with a degree acid omega 6 and trans fat is a high risk of cancer prostate fell ill, otherwise, the food that is rich omega 3 fatty acid, vitamin E, selenium and vitamin D to lower risk useful.
Be a Proud With Beans
Food that is also a positive effect tehadap prostat is nuts. Research shows that one of the reasons why Asian men rarely fell ill cancer prostat is because of the high consumption of soy in the Asian men's diet every day.
The latest research published in the journal Cancer found that soybean Research its can stop the spread of cancer prostate to other body parts. Researchers found that genistein, one of the types of isoflavone in soybean, is able to reduce the spread of cancer cells to the lungs up to 96%.
The Louis Waschaw Prostate Cancer Center in Calofornia recomendations consumption 35 to 40 g soy protein each day. From now on, do not be ashamed to consume and in Tempe. Thus this is the time to give you! for to improve it, you can also choose milk with soy protein womb. Muscle form, masculinity you do not need any doubt.


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