is one of the Mega project of the bridge over the strait Sunda and also as a liaison between the islands of Java and Sumatra islands. Sunda strait bridge construction is estimated to cost almost $ 10 billion or 100 trillion rupiah.
Can be realized if the sunda strait bridge will become the world's longest bridge with a length of 31 km and width of 60 m. In the plan sunda strait bridge construction started in 2010 and began operation in 2025.
Bridge Specifications:

- Width 60 meters
- Street car 2 x 3 meters
- Road bike and pedestrian 2 x 1 meter
- Double track railway in the middle
- Location 50 kilometers from Mount Krakatau
- Design of earthquake and tsunami resistant
- Across the three islands: Soldiers, Sangiang, and Snake.
- Consisting of two suspension bridges berbentang ultrapanjang: 3.5 km and 7 km.
- Consisting of three bridges conventional berbentang 6 to 7.5 km.
- The maximum capacity of 160 thousand vehicles per day and 31,318 people per day
- Goods such as coal around 1.75 million tons per year or 4.7 thousand tons per day
After the memorandum of understanding penekenan, Deputy LIPI Scientific Services Division in January Sopaheluwakan describe the development of economic zones from the perspective of the Sunda Strait cooperation LIPI and local governments in its development.
Earlier, the Governor along with the leadership of the DPRD Lampung Lampung JSS explained the importance of development for both regional progress.
JSS development that will use the funds from the state budget will also hold a third party or the investor. If realized, JSS will be the second longest bridge in the world after the Bridge Shanghai, China along the 36 km.
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