Save The Best For The Last !!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Global warming is an issue these days so intensively observed by the eyes of the world. Imagine, almost the entire world today helped to feel its effects. Weather heat, the growing north pole melted from day to day, and the ozone hole is getting bigger.

As inhabitants of Earth, we can not just ignore it. Though probably not much we can do, but at least there is a touch we can make the world a better place again.

* Bring your own bottle.

According to the survey, every year at least as much as 25 billion paper cups and plastic beverage bottle 25 is wasted in America. That's just in America, yet in other places.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong if it wherever you go, be it in the office, or cafe, you bring a drink bottle or cup of your own. In this way, you can help reduce waste or plastic waste.

* Select cone

If you want to eat ice cream, ask for a cone instead of using plastic cups. This step can minimize the buildup of plastic waste in the earth beloved.

* Clean without chemicals

Natural cleaners like vinegar and baking soda can be a cleaner alternative environmentally friendly. You can also polish your wooden furniture by using vegetable oil and lemon juice.

* Reduce the use of crackle.

When shopping at the market or supermarket, it's good if you own cloth bags. Crackle or plastic bag is one of the hard material recycled. By bringing their own bags, you have helped reduce the number of wasted 100 billion plastic bags each year.

* Stop Junk Mail

At least 100 million trees cut each year to be processed into paper junk mail sent to homes in America. What can you do to reduce use of paper wasted like this? Call the company and ask them to stop sending letters 'not important' it.

* Choose Toilet Paper

It is not as smooth as toilet paper tissue in general, but the type of recycled paper is clearly more environmentally friendly than the soft tissue.

* Use energy-saving lamps

It's time to love the environment by using energy-saving lamps.

* Minimize the use of dryers.

Drying clothes in the sun, the wind-air the home furnishings freshly laundered, and allow to dry your own hair without using the aid dryers.

* Choose environmentally friendly cat

When you want to do renovations, then choose the paint and water-based free / contain little thinner, because the material is more environmentally friendly. Beautiful home, neighborhood awake. Sip it!

* Save Water

One way you can do for this step is to shorten the time you shower. Use shower water proved more efficient than a bucket bath.

* Save Energy

Turn off electronics such as TVs, computers, or anything else, when you do not need it.

Practical things above, if we always do little to improve the environment around us. So wait let alone, do and do not forget to bring your friends too!


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