Overcome Asthma Drug Not Enough to salve Only

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Asthmatic attacks are generally treated with drugs salve (reliever medication). But overcoming asthma attack was not enough to salve the drug alone but also to treat the inflammation that occurs due to narrowing of the airways.

Asthma is a disease that can not be cured but can be reduced trigger. Asthma medications will directly reach peleganya when this attack comes. After that everything became normal once again.

However, if later, when he inhaled the smoke, the attack came again, and people hurriedly pulled out her inhaler medication. I could not help people with asthma are often very troubled by the use of drugs peleganya.

Some people today may still argue that the most important in dealing with asthma attack at once is to use the salve medicine.

When in fact it is no less important is the treatment of inflammation as soon as possible to prevent the inflammation that occurs due to narrowing of the airways.

Prof. Dr. Faisal Yunus, SpP (K) which is a lung specialist said people with asthma will be better controlled if using two approaches.

"In addition to drugs needed salve (reliever medication), people with asthma also really need the drugs that can overcome the inflammation or inflammation that asthma can be controlled (controller medication)," he said recently.

A controlled asthma is said if no symptoms of asthma are commonly experienced by people with uncontrolled asthma, which often have asthma attacks at night, often in and out of hospital emergency room, her lungs are not normal, impaired activity, and side effects from the use of drugs.

As a disease that is one of the 10 leading cause of death with the number of people with around 12 million people in Indonesia, is very important asthma treated seriously because it can disrupt and inhibit the daily activities.

"If the analogy, a disease similar to asthma was embarrassed daughter, once touched by a foreign object he will close, and reopen later," said Professor who is currently serving as chairman of the Indonesian Association of Doctors Lung (PDPI).

The medicine according to salve it can only cure the symptoms of asthma alone, but can not treat the inflammation in the breathing tract. So that people with asthma will be trapped in a circle 'dependence on drugs or reliever salve' which will not be interrupted.

And the key to success is to treat asthma control inflammation as soon as possible at the time symptoms begin. Rescue and control of asthma can also be done by doing gymnastics asthma. Exercise movements designed to improve respiratory fitness and exercise for people with asthma.

With asthma exercising for 60 minutes in two times a week, asthma attacks in people will be reduced, even disappeared within 6 months after exercising it.

Asthma is a disease that is incurable, but do not be afraid because this disease can be controlled to avoid contributing factors and treatment with the right foot.


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