Monday, November 30, 2009

In this modern era, mobile phones are essential for a cell phone kehidupan.Tak might make you plan a day to be the all-state berantakan.Dengan busy and mobile, using wireless communications or mobile phones are very common 90% of the population digunakan.Hampir in Jakarta would have had communications equipment ini.Dari the middle to lower to upper middle class, quite routinely using mobile phones, both for the means of communication, work, social, and exchange of data can now be used as a means of internet.

There was also a bit of this mobile phone users have more than one mobile unit. The reason for this variety, ranging from mobile phone functionality itself is because it has strengths and weaknesses of each. Until the level of hobby collecting phone (why not go to the counter as well huh?). Mobile phone users in Indonesia from year to year continue to rise

Handphone (HP) has become a staple in the days of the all this instant. Wherever people go would not be separated by means of communication on this one. If we are asked to mobile phone users with the question "do you think is better left behind a wallet or Mobile? average they would respond better to miss a wallet from the left Mobile. Of course, with various reasons that berbeda.Tapi Did you know if the phone can be a source of disease?

Lots of symptoms caused by these small objects. Especially concerning the health of mobile phone users. Among them are:

ause difficulty sleeping, restless or confused even change your personality.
Research conducted by several American universities and Sweden said that HP placed beside the bed will give you some side effects, like insomnia, restless or confused even to change your personality. The study involved 71 men and 38 of them having problems above.
Allegedly phone radiation can also affect the quality of sleep. A study funded by phone companies, recently, indicate that radiation from handsets could cause some problems such as insomnia, headaches and dizziness. Radiation can also reduce the duration of sleep that interfere with your body's ability to recover.

2. Can damage DNA and cause brain tumors.
Researchers at the National Radiology Protection Board, UK, said the electromagnetic radiation generated by mobile phones can damage DNA and cause brain tumors. "When you use a cell phone, 70-80 percent of the energy of radiation emitted from the phone antenna is absorbed by the head. In fact, some studies meunjukkan, the potential negative impact of long-term absorption of radiation emitted by mobile phones. Unfortunately, only a few studies that focus on children, "expressed as Prof. Henry Lai of the University of Washington, USA, as quoted Health Web MD.

Potential to cause salivary gland cancer.

The researchers concluded that users who spoke via cell phone for more than 22 hours per month at risk for salivary gland cancer, 50 percent higher than those who do not. This risk increases if users continue to use the phone on one side of the same ear, did not use hands-free or use in rural areas where mobile phone radiation is higher because there are rarely transmitting antenna.
The latest indication of the influence of bad phone revealed by the results of studies involving approximately 500 people of Israel who have cancer. In a study in Israel, the phone usage data of the participants were analyzed and compared with the 1300 examination kesehatan.Dari analysis, participants who used to wear stick on the phone with one side of the head for several hours was recorded 50 percent greater risk of cancer of the lymph ludah.Riset phone effect is published in The American Journal of Epidemiology.

Cause our body heats up and cause symptoms like fever.

Electromagnetic radiation is continuously can cause our bodies heat up and cause symptoms like fever.

Reproductive disorders

As a myth, but there is little data that states that mobile phones can provide pria.Faktanya effect on fertility, a study published medical journal, Fertility & Serility, testing the use of mobile phones by 361 men at a clinic kesuburan.Hasilnya shows that the more a man using his mobile phone, the lower the number, quality and durability of their sperm.

6. Endanger the lives of children
Children are more susceptible to damage because tissue in the body and their brains are still developing rapidly. The damage to the genetic in cell growth can lead to cellular dysfunction, cell death, tumors that developed, and damage to the immune system and nerves.
Dr. Lennart Hardell, a professor of oncology at the University Hospital in Orebro, Sweden, found the research from 15 studies from six countries of the children who use mobile phones before the age of 20 years has probably five times more likely suffering from gliomas (brain cancer) and the acoustic nerve tumors (acoustic neuromas, a tumor on the auditory network) than those who started using mobile phones after a 20-year-old.

The frequency of occurrence of cancer in children under 20 years of using a cell phone four times greater than those aged over 20 years.
Glioma is a cancer on glia.Glia cells (derived from Greek, meaning glue) are supporting cells, neurons (nerve cells), make sure the neurons in place, providing nutrients and oxygen, and lead them in the development of type muda.Apapun person suffered gliomas, the prediction is very weak, the patient survival is only nine months to three years after diagnosis.
Acoustic nerve tumors are benign tumors on the auditory nerve, although considered benign tumor neuroma, but they cause headaches, loss of balance, and deafness.
Considered the child's brain has not developed until the age of 20 tahun.Radiasi mobile phone emitted by 5 inches into the brain child and 2 inches in adults.
Radiation that occurs in the head

Found that the only call within 2 minutes to open the "cover the blood to the brain" in children or adults, and toxins into the bloodstream through blood vessels to attack the skull and brain cells. This also will disrupt the natural electrical activity in the brains of children to more than 1 hour after the call.

Problem-solving actions (solutions)

Parents should think twice before you meet her demand was still in elementary school has a telephone genggam.Sebab according to a study, using a cell phone early on a long-term risk to their health.

Several solutions can be done to avoid these symptoms are:

1. Avoid the use of mobile phones on children.
2. Do not talk to HP or wireless phones during pregnancy, with infants or small children are still in the sling, close to children under the age of 16 years
3. HP turn off sleep tonight.
4. Put the HP away from the head and body when to sleep that night.
5. Put the HP at least 6 to 7 inches from your body and another person when in use, when to speak, write SMS, and to download.
6. Put the HP away from a computer or laptop elektromagentik radiation disrupt your computer work.
7. Do not put HP in sakucelana behind or on hip all day. Because hip produces 80% of red blood cells the body and especially susceptible to radiation damage. The distance between HP and your hips are too close, even if you do not hang on the hips, can affect fertility (fertility) you.
8. Do not use HP, either talking or typing SMS, while being charged or being connected with an outlet. In the event of electrical shorting, fire could occur.
9. Carefully hold the low electromagnetic zone bedtime, at home, and for personal. Move the alarm clock at least 3 feet (or about 1 m) from head or use battery power. Six feet (about 2 m) is the recommended distance from the electronic equipment. Avoid water beds (waterbeds), electric blankets, and bed frame metal. Framework of wooden futon or better.
10. Advised not to put the active cell phone in front of his shirt pocket.
11. Not use mobile phones in a weak battery condition.
12. Do not be too often use the phone at the right ear.
13. Use the handsfree to the phone.

User Hanphone increasingly more and more in line with the development of information technology that increasingly sophisticated. But we must also consider the side effects of alan communication that we use. So that we avoid or at least reduce the risk / impact of the use of mobile handphone.Meskipun is a simple little tool and practical, but the impact is extraordinary.
Hopefully we are able to analyze the circumstances surrounding the disease kita.Bahwa not only arise from something kongrit saja.Namun abstract from something even as trivial as a tool elektronikpun radiation can cause illness. And we are able to implement a healthy lifestyle dendan keep our bodies from the things that endanger themselves or anyone lain.Syukuri and preserve a healthy pleasure given to us, to support all our activities.


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