'Parts' Healthy Men

Monday, December 19, 2011

Had a handsome face, muscular body is not necessarily healthy. There are some things that are missed to see whether the husband, boyfriend, brother or son healthy adults. This arguably healthy male parts.

There are 5 simple things to assess your healthy men without the hassle of a blood test. Five sides of this rare but significant enough to peel telescoped healthy men as reported from AskMen, Monday (7/12/2009).

1. Nail Color Pink

Nails can reveal a lot about health issues. A healthy person will have pink nails, shaped firm and smooth the nail surface. Nail changes indicate a warning. Thick yellow nails indicate disease of chronic bronchitis. Grooved nails show any symptoms of diabetes. While there are nails that scarred lines clearly visible sign of having low iron.

2. Color Pale Yellow Urine

Nothing wrong with attention to the color of urine while urinating wasteful. Because urine is also a sign of male health problems. Normal urine is a pale yellow (whitish yellow). The color of urine associated with a number of drinking water consumed.

If you drink plenty of water the color of urine is usually clear or clean and there is no problem. However, if you become dehydrated, the urine will be dark brown like iced tea. Discoloration, odors associated with food or a drug that is being consumed also warrant concern.

3. The heart beats an average of 70 beats per minute (bpm)

Resting heart rate (RHR / Resting heart rate) or heartbeats per minute at rest is an indicator of overall fitness level. Although RHR varies every age, but the average healthy man has a RHR between 70-75 beats per minute (bpm / beats per minute). However, heart rate 60-100 bpm is still considered normal for adults.

Heart rates outside the range that can cause serious health problems and may indicate health problems.

To measure your heart rate simply place two fingers on the pulse of the hand wrist and see the clock and count the beats in 15 seconds multiplied by 4 to get your heart rate per minute.

4. Ejaculation with semen as much as a tablespoon

With middle-aged healthy men should be able to release semen during ejaculation as much as 2-5 ml. However, the amount of semen is decreased with increasing age. The amount of semen that is less than 2 ml is indicative hyperspermia, a condition that can affect male fertility. (The number of standard semen is also supported by the World Health Organization / WHO).

In addition to volume, color and viscosity of semen can also give clues to health. A healthy male should have a semen grayish white and thick. Semen mixed with blood or too thin is a sign of serious health problems should consult a doctor.

5. Having elastic skin

Generally indicates the degree of skin elasticity dehydration. If you are experiencing diarrhea is likely to experience a lot of fluid deficiency. To test the elasticity of the skin simply by pinching the back of his hand, if the liquid at normal body skin will return to its original position.

source : www.yahoo.com


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